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Video World - How to connect your laptop to a projector or video system?

Just wanted to give a simple way that we at No Regret Productions help our clients connect to our video systems. You'll find that this is going to be the typical way to do this in most venues or locations which a projector or displays are used to show your video or presentation.   Here are the 3 typical connections, a brief summery and a picture of them: VGA - This has been the norm for about 25 years and many spaces still have this type of connection as well as our projectors still support this connection, however the industry has moved away from this and most of the larger companies have stopped supporting it as of 2015. *note that there isn't any difference between the cables aside from the color coding on the ends to help with identify the cable. We typically use all black cables for aesthetics.

VGA Cable BlueVGA Cable Black            

DVI - The video signal over DVI is basically the same as HDMI. The maximum resolution potential depends on the equipment, though. Some cables and hardware (called single-link) can only do 1,920x1,200, while others (dual-link) can do more. DVI generally doesn't do audio (it varies). So if you're using a TV, use HDMI. Since computer monitors don't usually have speakers, this isn't an issue.

DVI Cable HDMI - All TVs and most computer monitors have HDMI. It's easy to use, the cables are cheap, and best of all, it carries audio. If you're plugging your computer into a TV, your first choice should be HDMI. It will save you lots of hassle. One of the best things about this is connection is that it send audio through the connection. *Note that sometimes sending the cable thorough the HDMI can become an issue for some scenarios where you will need to send the audio through a larger sound system. If you need to do this done our team will be glade to help with this. Usually requires configuring your laptop in order to do this

HDMI Cable    


Now that you know the connections all you need to know is whether your laptop has one of these connections and see if the projector or video system supports it. If it doesn't chances are you will need an adaptor. Typically VGA and HDMI are what we see most as inputs to a projector or video system. If you need help with this or any video needs let us know and we will be happy to help with your event.